Saturday, September 26, 2009

Acting "As if"

Listened to Denise Linn's radio show on Hayhouse Radio today.  Todays soul journey was about acting "As If".  Imagine yourself with your perfect life, whatever it is that you imagine you would have and do if you had your perfect life.  Now feel the way your body would feel if you had it right now.  Does your posture change?  Are you standing taller, head held higher, smiling more?  Your unconscious doesn't know the difference between pretending and reality.  So if you act "As if" your body and mind believe you, and will work to create that reality for you.  We become attenuated to the circumstances of our lives, and it becomes habit.  If depression is your habit, you need to act in ways that you wouldn't normally.  Dress differently, go to different places, wear different colours, make the corners of your mouth turn up.  It may feel uncomfortable, but in time, it will feel normal.  So today, I am practicing smiling, even if I don't feel like smiling.  I imagine I look happy and people are attracted to that.  Don't you know it, next I am out for a walk in the sunshine and I am smiling and feeling somewhat friendly.  She's on to something.
I also read parts of a book about the new Energy Psychology.  EFT, EMDR etc.  It releases blocks in your bodies energy systems for freer flow.  I read about techniques to make one feel more joy.  I have to go back and buy the book.  It is based on chinese medicine and knowledge, ancient knowledge of meridians, chakras, and special points.

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