Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Happiness-an inside job

What is happiness?  For me, it is feeling acceptance and love.  It is having a community, connection to "your people".  Feeling respected and understood.  An understanding of your purpose for being here on planet earth.  Knowing that you are making a difference in the world by your presence, your actions, your words or deeds.

It is having places to go that feed your soul.  For me, these places exist both in nature as well as the local library and my favourite coffee shop.  Listening to music, at home or at a live event.  Dancing.  Ceremony. Ritual.  Singing.  Prayer.  Meditation.

Finding things to be grateful for.  Appreciating the little things, like a sunny day, a rainy day, the bloom of a flower, the song of a bird.  Watching a man balance rocks in the harbour.  Hearing music played outside. The love of my husband.  The health of my children.  The guidance of my angels.  The lessons learned from life's challenges.  Engaging my creativity.  Writing.  Helping a friend.  Praying for healing of mother earth and her inhabitants.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Acting "As if"

Listened to Denise Linn's radio show on Hayhouse Radio today.  Todays soul journey was about acting "As If".  Imagine yourself with your perfect life, whatever it is that you imagine you would have and do if you had your perfect life.  Now feel the way your body would feel if you had it right now.  Does your posture change?  Are you standing taller, head held higher, smiling more?  Your unconscious doesn't know the difference between pretending and reality.  So if you act "As if" your body and mind believe you, and will work to create that reality for you.  We become attenuated to the circumstances of our lives, and it becomes habit.  If depression is your habit, you need to act in ways that you wouldn't normally.  Dress differently, go to different places, wear different colours, make the corners of your mouth turn up.  It may feel uncomfortable, but in time, it will feel normal.  So today, I am practicing smiling, even if I don't feel like smiling.  I imagine I look happy and people are attracted to that.  Don't you know it, next I am out for a walk in the sunshine and I am smiling and feeling somewhat friendly.  She's on to something.
I also read parts of a book about the new Energy Psychology.  EFT, EMDR etc.  It releases blocks in your bodies energy systems for freer flow.  I read about techniques to make one feel more joy.  I have to go back and buy the book.  It is based on chinese medicine and knowledge, ancient knowledge of meridians, chakras, and special points.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Transition and change

September 23

Is it true that the word crisis in Chinese is composed of two characters, one represents danger, the other represents opportunity (John F. Kennedy)?  I suppose in every opportunity there is the danger of failure, in every risk taken there is the danger that it will not turn out as you had hoped.  In every crisis there is the opportunity of a new path and a new direction.  I suppose we always have a choice in life, to take the risk and chance "failure" or to not attempt anything new, and stay in the "safe zone" of life.  Will you take the road less travelled?

As someone who is coping with mental illness and stress disorder, this is a very important question.  I cannot afford to put my mental and emotional health in danger, the cost would be too great.  So I must take care of my inner needs, while considering the advantages and disadvantages of moving to a new place with many unknowns.  Moving is a major stress, so is a new job and a new career, and even good stresses are shown to lead to cancer, so these are not things to be taken lightly.  The thought of changing locations just a year after making a major move is very stressful for me.  I realize that I long for security, stability, and structure in my life.  I also need healthy support systems to maintain and improve my emotional and mental health.  Nanaimo has great support in terms of counseling and services for women.  I have not yet taken advantage of all the opportunities here.  We are starting to make friends here and integrate into the community.  There is a wonderful Unity Church here, with a soulful minister and excellent ongoing study groups and meditations.

In terms of happiness, the book I am reading lists the four roots of happiness as follows:

Which spells SELF.  This is easy to remember.  It makes sense also, eating healthy and exercise are obvious things to increase positive endorphins and balance hormones.  I know the brain needs Omega 3 fatty acids, because the brain is composed of fat, and needs healthy fats to maintain itself.  Unhealthy fats destroy the body and lead to heart disease and strokes.

Meditation, chanting, journalling, music, all these things can increase serenity, and release stress.

 It is important to decrease the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) and increase the parasympathetic (relaxation response).  Love sends positive endorphins such as seratonin through the body, which is the feel good chemical.  Connecting with a support system and loving relationships are proven to increase post-cancer survival rates.  Even prayer has been clinically proven to help people recover from surgery and heal faster.  I am praying for guidance as to the right direction for my husband and myself, if the opportunity to move to the north comes our way.  Weather is also a consideration, as I am strongly affected each winter by Seasonal Affected Disorder.

Christiane Northrup maintains that happiness is a choice that we choose to make each day.  I choose to live a more joyful life, and I open myself up to opportunities that will bring more joy and happiness my way.  Have a great day.
Love Michele

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

the beginning

September 22, 2009

Today is autumnal equinox, equal darkness and light.  It is the first day of autumn.  After today, the days get shorter, the nights get longer, and we start to go within.  It seems a fitting day to start my blog, about happiness.  It has been a stressful time, another time at the crossroads, choices to be made, new directions.  I find contemplating change very stressful.  It does not bring me happiness.  The feeling of not having control over the events of your life.  I have been trying to "surrender" and it has been a huge challenge for me.  I want to trust in a higher power.  I want to believe there is a guiding force of good in my life.  A Great Spirit, God, Source, my Soul, my Higher Self.  I am just not sure if it is true, or if I can trust him/her. Surrender is a very challenging concept for me.  I am starting a course of flower essences soon, from desert flowers, called Desert Alchemy.  I believe this will help remove the obstacles to my connection with my inner light, as well as outer Source and Godself.  Until tomorrow, I hand over the path to my higher self, god/goddess within and without.  Spirit Handles the details. (One of the essences)
Love Michele