Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy 2010! It is a new year and a new decade. I am grateful for the progress in my life.  Still in Nanaimo, I feel this year will be a breakthrough year for us.
We had a positive Christmas experience with my dad and stepmom and her 4 daughters this year. I also visited with my sister and brother at a get together before Christmas, it has been years since my sister, brother, husband etc and I all got together. I had a soulful talk with my brother in law. I was very happy to have had the opportunity to get together and to feel like I had a family that I was part of. I feel that some healing has taken place in my family and this makes me feel positive and optimistic about the future. It is important to be true to yourself and set clear and healthy boundries with the people in your life, and I am proud of myself for doing this and achieving progress with my own personal health and empowerment. I can see the progress within myself and within other famiy members.
I have been following a program from a book for women called "the Body Blues" which advocates a 20 minute walk every day outside, certain vitamins, and light therapy. I am affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder in the winter, so I feel good about taken proactive steps. We are finding new trails in our area to go walking on, and nature is such a healing influence on me. I love walking along the harbour where we live, and trips to the library.
We enjoy travelling to our local Vietnamese restaurant for a bowl of PHO. It is always an uplifting experience for my husband and I . There is nothing like soup for comfort, and the basil and broth in Pho is an uplifter for me. Also curry is a euphoric, and Chai tea immediately lifts my mood. The power of spices! Herbal baths, esp. with 1 cup of epsom salts and lavender or other essential oils, are healing and soothing to the emotional body. I am going for a massage later this week, a natural uplifter that increases endorphins.
Acceptance of "What Is" is a sure way to find happiness. Live music uplifts me. Dancing.
Happy new year, have a nice bubble bath and read a novel and nurture your inner woman.
Love Michele